at home

with you

the perlee-SONUGA family
chicago, il
homebody session

An excerpt of beautifully thoughtful words from Aubrey about her family and her hopes around documenting their story…

“There's just so much love and so much that we cherish that I often wish I had a camera set up all of the time because I never want to forget these moments together. I'd love some nursing photos It's been such a labor of love and feels like such a powerful connection. There are so many small things that I hope to have captured; the way Naz holds my hair, his chubby little legs, the way Olu and Naz are so silly and sweet together, the way Olu is so intuitive with Naz and his wants/needs, how much joy I feel watching the person I love most become a parent, Naz's little smirk…”

This is what it’s about. Details about a family that are so precious, sacred and unique to them—allowing me in, like truly in to translate those words and hopes into images that tell their story.

Thankful to this beautiful family for trusting me throughout the whole process with their first photos as a family of three, inviting me into their world to capture artful imagery and just being themselves. A lovely way to kick off this 2024 season!

The Perlee-Sonuga Family

P.S > I'm so excited to say that all these images were edited with my preset pack 'Sunday' I've been working on! Stay tuned for updates of launch and more!